FIRST OFF.. despite royally pissing off my mother earlier, I love you mum!!! Don't stay mad at me for too long. I am your baby after all.. But anyhow, she was adorable as per usual today and went along and called me while I was studying, asking me if I'd like to go to a Miss Vancouver convention with her at the Pan Pacific. Initial thoughts--Mum, I know you'd love it if your daughter was Miss Vancouver but it's not happening. Secondary thoughts--dinner and a show... my fav. Tertiary thoughts--FUCK. I need to study like a motherfuck and Wednesday is no good. So yeah, sad sad.. told my mummy "No can do" and she went ahead and asked another friend. But! She did say "I wanted to ask you before anyone else." Muahahaha.. *kisses*

SECONDLY, maybe I'm feeling particularly loving lately and I have a sudden huge appreciation for my friends (not saying I didn't before). *The Fam*--you guys will remain my security blanket for as long as I live.. our KIDS will be growing together, this I swear to you! *shakes fist* Y'all can't run away from me.. As for W, legit.. what would I do without you??? E, my other half. And everyone else who has been such a breath of fresh air during my odd episodes and tendencies to revert into my bedroom like a hermit. *love love love, extreme blasts of love*
Today I ran into Piper, who I haven't seen in about a million years.. she was such a sweetheart.. There's something about bumping into someone and having a real conversation that makes them so endearing. And realizing how much you miss them.. ughh!!!!!!!! Time, where have you gone?
Futhermore, I need to make note of today's discovery.. I signed onto Facebook after I got home from studying and had new inbox messages from Nicolle. In it, she's attached a link to We've been dabbling at the subject of going overseas to volunteer, and I'm hoping this is going to be it. ENDPOINT, I felt ridiculously grateful that I have friends who are so giving.. I'm lucky to be surrounded by positive influences on me and the global community.
LASTLY, not gonna lie.. My boyfriend is amazing.
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