I had somewhat of a rattling day at work. You would've thought that after I quit working at Cactus Club that I'd stop running into creeps. Wrong! Apparently they're some kind of disgusting breed that just happen to linger in all sorts of different places. It's actually been every weekend now that a guy at the bar sits down and starts asking me all these weird questions. "Where do you live?" "Are you 19 yet?" "What does your father do?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" What the fuck!! Today totally pushed it to an entire level though.. This guy comes in and sits up at the bar while I'm rolling cutlery, he seems normal, friendly at first. Then after a few sleeves of beer, he starts making references to my hair, my body parts and his body parts. I told my manager about it while I was cashing out, and she was so freaking sweet.. Like I'm so touched by her concern and her view of the matter. She told me that I don't get paid enough to be treated like that, and next time I should stand up for myself and she is willing pay for the repercussions. How sweet is that? I have a new found respect and love for my manager.. She was telling me how she used to work at a bar and she'd tell customers, "Touch my ass one more time, I will punch you in the face."

Anyways.. in the end, the guy was a legit craycray and my manager had to come out to talk to him anyway because he was disturbing customers and eyeing the table my friend's were sitting at. Thank God my friends were there to take me home.. otherwise I would've shit my pants leaving..
In other news I am so ready to get the hell out of Vancouver and go someplace that will really change my life (Mexico doesn't count). My heart is set on France, and when I say France, I mean Paris. Although I'd be just as down to go to Toulouse (umm Nestle chocolate factory, what's good?) or even Nimes because I'd love to be in a city that has good weather all year round. I swear I'm in it beyond the novelty factor.. I wanna know what it's like to really take care of myself (even though I'm planning on going with Nicolle, and y'all know she's RNWT material) and just to be open to absorb a whole new culture. It's not like the difference between here and America. Europe's an entirely different planet. I want to break free from the utopia that my family and friends have created for me here (don't get me wrong, I'm eternally grateful for their unconditional love and support).. I'm constantly needing to remind myself of just how spoiled I am here--emotionally and physically. An exchange is definitely something I'd like to achieve within the next year. *determined to get the fuck out of here* !!
With all advertisement on where to be on NYE, I can hardly believe this year is coming to an end.. I can hardly remember all the bigger and better moments of this year. I just know that this year has had its ups and downs.. but when considering where I am at this moment, I wouldn't have changed any of it.
Goodnight, xoxo!
baby if it's love, I wanna fall.
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