Monday, November 9, 2009

In a camp of rockets

Mondays are generally bad, but today was an exceptionally bad Monday. I'm probably over-reacting, I tend to do that. I was probably just super cranky because I hadn't eaten all day (I go bitch wild when I haven't eaten for a long time.. just ask W/KT).

Because I'm a fucking idiot, I slept at 5AM last night even though I had finished my Thriller presentation around 1ish. Like, what the fuck is wrong with me? Even as I'm typing out this blog right now, my eyes feel heavy (and itchy for some reason, it's been like that all fucking day) and I want nothing more than to wake up fresh and early tomorrow and actually do something with my life (especially since I made plans to have lunch and study with J tmr lol). I'll go to bed after this entry. Promise. Okay, I lied. I saved this entry as a draft then I came back now (3:06AM) to finish it.

Anyway.. so it started when I left 20 minutes for myself to get ready. It's so hard to pick out warm clothes if you're like me who lives on thin cotton cardigans and tights--strictly, NO jeans. I left the house without breakfast which was a huge mistake. Androol said he'd drive me home and wait for me for the extra hour. I went to class in a rush, interrupting this poor girl's presentation while doing so. Turns out SFU doesn't have underground wireless connections so I had to go upstairs (interrupted someone else's presentation as well) and proceeded to disrupt a couple that was obviously fighting.. but I didn't notice till the girl packed up her things and left with the guy looking like "Huh?" (I really hope I didn't make it worse). I was doing a presentation on "Thriller" and it's basically a mini-movie, and with the shitty reception travelling between SFU's cement walls, it took literally forever to load. With ten minutes left of class, I booked it back downstairs and my TA ended up telling me I could present it next class. Sa-weet... thanks.

I don't want to go into detail anymore, because I really shouldn't be bad mouthing my friends on my public blog as lame as that sounds. But by the end of the day, I ended up waiting in a car by myself for 40 minutes and then walking in the cold to go home. Both were by choice, so don't worry. But yeah.. sometimes I really hate being around people.. especially dick-ish loud mouthed people.

Thank God for W and J, and pho. They both picked me up and we went to get some heart-warming goodness. I was starving.. I had a bowl of pho, a spring roll and a pear made out of hazelnut ice cream. Mmmm first meal of the day.

I miss my friends. I'm probably just saying this now because I'm hella pissed at my friends at school for leaving me no choice but to walk home.. but that's just me being a diva. Haha. I feel like a shitty friend for always bailing and never going through with our plans. I'm always studying with the guys at school or eating with them. I never have time for my high school friends, most of whom I've known since the 1st grade. I've spoken to Stephen about this and we both agreed that everyday gets a little riskier. Everytime you bail for some school issue or your new friends from school, your friends get less and less lenient. I love you guys btw... can't wait till tomorrow!!!

Furthermore, I miss having time.

I really want to tan but I'm scared and I have no time lol. Jo says it's the most precious thing ever.. "everyone needs that warm embrace every once in awhile". Tans make me feel happy. I feel accomplished after a day of beach bumming and I come home and check out legs in the mirror. I miss those days where I could wear flipflops everyday and avoid stepping into puddles in the middle of the sidewalk.

Did I mention that I'm getting fat?

I'm going to leave with a song that I can't stop listening to..

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