Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In the land of Meh

I think my period is on its way because I am feeling extremely meh. Meh meh MEH in the land of meh. Aside from meh, I'm also feeling irritable to the power of a million, and cranky like someone just woke me up from a good dream.

> : [

When I'm about to get my period, several things start happening:

1) I break out. I usually get a pimple somewhere and this time it's my forehead.
2) I become positively RAVENOUS. I want to eat everything in sight. Today, Elissa and I made a Safeway run to grab chips and spinach dip.
3) Many thanks to my hormones, I get really emotional and I start doing stupid things like.. oh, I don't know--texting ex-boyfriends.
4) I bloat like there's no tomorrow. *shakes fist*

In other news.. I had an exhausting weekend. Celebrated my girl Erin's birthday at Republic on Friday night. Two of my fav girlies got together and got ready like old times (I seriously love those 2). Got home at 5AM and got up two hours later to go to work. I went to work wearing the same makeup from the nightbefore. I even announced in the car ride back, "Fuck it. I'm not washing my face tonight." Carver says, "Ewww.. Are you at least going to brush your teeth?" I'm like, "Dude.. If I were to choose between the two, it'd be my face. If I'm not washing my face, no way am I brushing my teeth."

DON'T WORRY. I brushed my teeth when I got up. I went out on a limb for everyone in that restaurant to brush my teeth that morning..

Saturday night was just bad. I don't even want to recollect the details. It had to do with my friend, the birthday boy, puking in my girlfriend's car.. on her new beige leather seats. And he woke up the next morning asking what happened and laughing cause he didn't remember..

Anywho, I should sleep!! I'm falling back into the same bad habits as last semester. SMH... This is no good!!!!

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