Thursday, August 5, 2010

As if you really give a shit

1. i'm either going to shave the side of my head by the end of this summer, or get a tat that says "vivera senza rimpianti" which means "live with no regrets" in latin. i want it inscripted into the inside of my left wrist, so i can look at it everyday as a reminder and motivator.

2. i'm going to need to quit my job soon because this "no nail polish" policy doesn't mesh well with my opi collection

3. i've been happily munching out late at night and going out to eat just about every single day this summer.. i've eaten well this summer! it's really time to get back into shape and start taking care of myself.

4. my hair is back to black and i've never loved it more.. <3333

5. our trip to seattle was a complete success!! :) i fucken love the cheesecake factory.. my goal is to find a boy who's willing to drive down to take me to eat there on a date!! haha goodluck to me..


7. speaking of boys.. a very funny boy came to my workplace today (while i wasn't there) and dropped me off some adorably wrapped candy (as i've been on this ridiculous candy binge for the past few days). hahaha helllooo

8. one of my fav bitches is back in town <3

9. i love my coworkers.. work is such a breeze because of them.. and considering i work 5 times a week and it's seriously easy peasy lemon squeezy. this job's gonna be hard to give up..

10. blackberries are pieces of shit.. they do the opposite of what they're made to do.. they make you less civilized. what happened to good manners? table etiquette? courtesy of others? i used to be one of them.. but if i hear one more person cry because their blackberry has broken down and they feel so "disconnected" from the world.. ummm this IS the real world. welcome!

11. and meh.. you are the same shit all over again.

1 comment:

  1. I dyed my hair black after 10 years and I love it!

    I admit, I'm still very much a Crackberry addict but I'm learning to put it away at the table now. ;)
